Getting a DOT Number is Free, Not Having One Will Costs You | USDOT Lettering Decal Tips
If you are doing business for profit with your commercial vehicle, you must display your unique USDOT number on both sides of your commercial vehicle. This number is issued by FMCSA and it’s a records of your company.
If you are unsure if you need a DOT number, then most likely you’ll need a DOT number.
A few things to keep in mind is that your USDOT number must be 2 inches or larger (in some areas). Your number must be visible from a distance of at least 50 feet away and the color must contrast.
If you are doing more professional transportation, you will require additional numbers such as MC, VIN, GVW or CA. This really depends on what you are doing.
If you have any questions, we would be more than happy to help.